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Accessing Webhost Manager ( WHM )

There are multiple ways for signing into the WHM (Webhost Manager) .The method that is flexible for you, can be used.
Method 1:
Sign in directly into WHM
For directly sign in to WHM we must follow the several steps. 1. write your WHM Email address for your website in your web browser.
you can use web address like ,
In is your domain name .
sometime this is only one way for accessing your WH M.
2. In username text box ,give your A2 account name.
3. In Password box ,give your A2 account password that you use for your security.
4. Press login button .
5. If you give wrong username or wrong password you will come back to home screen.
Method 2:
Accessing of WH M through cpanel ,follow the following steps:
1.Sign in to cpanal .
2.In advanced part(section) of cpanel home screen ,presss WH M.The WH M home screen will appears.
Method 3:
Accessing of WH M through A2 HCP(Hosting Customer Portal)
To access WH M through the HCP, follow the following steps.
1. First of all Sign in to customer portal.
2. If you don’t know how to login in customer portal ,please follow these steps
Login into customer portal:
To login into customer portal follow the following steps:
1. Use your web browser to access
2. To Manage your Account ,Press secure client login;
3. In Email address box give your email address which is relevent to your A2 Hosting Account.
4. In Password Box give your security password.
5. If you want to have browser remember your login credentials the next time tou can access your customer poratal.
6. Press Login button
Logout From customer portal:
To logout customer portal ,follow the following steps:
1.At the top menu bar ,Press logout button , by doing this you signout from your customer portal.

2.On the menu bar press Services button and then press My Services:
3.My products and services ,there are your reseller hosting packages located and then press Manage.
4.In Sidebar , press login button to WebHost Manager.In another window ,customer portal automatically logs you in your WHM.
You should logout from WH M when you finished your work in WH M, because this give notification to the web server that you finished your session.If you do not logout the server automatically logs you out from WH M and close your session at a time which you have set in it.So, there is small possibility that an attecker attecks .It is only possible before that time that you have set for automatically logout system.
To logout From WH M,folloe the following steps:
1. At the Top Menu Bar ,there you see logout button which also shows your username which represents your A2 hosting account username ,press this button.
Access the WH M.
Accounts and packages of WH M.
For site branding and configuration use WHM.